Anil Mandal
Courtesy Clinical Professor
University of Florida
Dr. Mandal is is board certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology (Kidney disease and hypertension). He is an author of many books and published articles on research on diabetes and kidney disease. He is a two-times Fulbright Scholar and a visiting professor of 23 countries which permitted him to lecture on diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney diseases in all five continents of the world. Dr. Anil K. Mandal received Men and Women of Science in 1976, Who’s Who Frontiers in Science and Technology inFebruary 1983, Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Yogoslavia in October 1985, Received the Fulbright Award 1992-1993 for India in December 20, 1991, Who’s Who in America in 1997, Distinguished Service Award by National Kidney Foundation Of the USA. Philadelphia, PA in October 22, 1998.
Research Interest
The research interest of Mandal is Sugar diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure in the USA and world wide. This strong association between diabetes and kidney failure has inspired Dr Mandal to develop the frame work of Mandal Diabetes Research foundation to assist diabetic patients to live a good life with medical treatment, and not go to dialysis.