Rajiv Kumar Jaiswal
Esani Diabetes and Mutlispeciality Research Centre, India
Title: ‘Yoga’- An asset to diabetes management
Biography: Rajiv Kumar Jaiswal
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to defects in secretion of insulin, action of insulin, or both. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs, especially the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. In India, there is rampant increase in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Kutty BM, Raju TR et.al. (2010) have shown that nearly 30 million people are suffering from diabetes and this figure is expected to increase to 60 million by 2017. In 2011, at united nation general assembly there was discussion on control and prevention of non-communicable disease, because it has been shown that the incidence of death due to non-communicable disease (like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes) is far greater than communicable disease. Yoga-based programs should be low-cost intervention strategy to improve physical and psychological well-being. Yoga provides slow rhythmic movements; by easy extensions and bending without over-stimulate muscles which can results in stimulation of the organs and glands. Yoga could be also useful in patient suffering from insulin resistance syndrome. The insulin resistance syndrome or metabolic syndrome is a characterized by hyperglycemia, obesity (central), hypertension and dyslipidemia. Patient with metabolic syndrome have insulin resistance due to i) cardiovascular reactivity enhancement ii) decreased parasympathetic tone and iii) Increased sympathetic activity. Major recent advanced researches have shown that chronic stress (psychological) and negative affective states are the contributing factors towards the pathogenesis and progression of insulin resistance, intolerance of glucose, hypertension, and other IRS-related conditions. Diabetes poses a biggest challenge to health system for coming up with newer modalities of treatment. Hence, it is necessary to look at adjuncts to effective management of diabetes; adjuncts which are not resource intensive and are nearer to the community that people live in. Yoga holds promise as a therapeutic intervention and health promotion measure. This brief communication explores the studies done to date on the beneficial effects of Yoga on Diabetes.