Adel Ahmed Mohmed Ahmed Elnaggar
Ain Shams University, School of Medicine, Egypt
Adel Ahmed Mohmed Ahmed Elnaggar is a Medical Endocrinologist with an extended expertise in adult diabetes and obesity; as regard prevention and early detection/diagnosis and management and risk reduction of their outcomes. He also share diabetes & obesity clinical trials link and research work concerning both. He is also working on community planning against chronic diseases/disabilities affecting community productivity; prevention & management. He is experienced in thyroid diseases and female endocrine health problems. He is a graduate and earned undergraduate and internship and completed Postgraduate residency in Internal Medicine & Endocrinology from Ain Shams University, School of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. He is a member of Endocrine & Diabetes Society in Saudi Arabia. He is an active member of Diabetes Club & Endocrine Club, Saudi Arabia. He is also a member of Diabetes Investigators of Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceutical company. He is member of European Society of Endocrinology and International Diabetes. He gives lectures on diabetes & obesity management to local Endocrinologists & Internists & GPs and takes part in diabetes health educational programs for the patients & health care professionals.
Abstract : ®Case report of new onset of adult diabetes due to obesity with socioeconomic barrier